The "Colossi of Memnon"
The "Colossi of Memnon" is the name we give to the two statues of Amenhotep III, the last remaining witnesses of the immense funerary temple of XIV century BC. JC These sandstone statues are 18 feet tall and weigh about 1,300 tons. During an earthquake in 27 BC. JC Colossi were split about half their height. It is from there that the statues began to make sounds. The legend of the "Oracle of Memnon" was born. The site became a place of pilgrimage for the Greeks and Romans. The Emperor Septimus Severus, to thank Memnon Colossi who had it restored, in fact, ceased to "speak".
"In the East, living in the West, the dead. Between, symbolically located at the
limited fertile land of the Nile and the desert, the Colossi of Memnon are
eternal guardians of the Theban Necropolis. Now quiet, they watch over the world
secret and disturbing the Hereafter, a world forever linked to the name of Tutankhamun, magnified
by the extraordinary richness of his tomb, the only intact discovery to date. "
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